
Christmas Parties

By October 12, 2012 No Comments

2012 Christmas Parties

With three Christmas Parties enquiries in the space of around an hour on Wednesday I’m spurred into action producing leaflets, posters, blogs and everything else done to tell the world (okay, Fenland) about the most fun place to go this Christmas (second best if you count Disney World in Florida of course).

Play2Day Christmas Parties_2012

We normally have a meal at a Wetherspoons, why should we choose Play2Day?

Thanks for the question(!)

I’m sure Wetherspoons parties do the job, but Christmas Parties should be a lot more to ensure your group ends 2012 on a high note, especially if it’s been a particularly challenging year when you’ve put in a little extra just to keep your job and business going.

Moving on from the economy …

Why Play2Day Christmas Parties are more fun

You’ll enjoy a 2 course carvery meal, 2 games of Ten Pin Bowling and a Christmas Party Package, all for £22.00 each.

That’s a full evening’s entertainment at one destination.

In addition to a fine meal, you’ll also enjoy festive tunes and friendly service.

You don’t get good food at Ten Pin Bowling Centres!

Play2Day Ten Pin Bowling

Yep, I very often think it world be easier to push a green pea uphill with my left nostril than persuade anyone otherwise.  But we really do provide a Christmas meal to more than match any pub and better than a few restaurants too.

(And while you’re here, the reason we’ve halved our bar menu is because the majority of customers used to look at choices such as pork, lamb, cod, etc, and then choose…burger and chips!)

How your Christmas Party unfolds

Usually groups arrive 15 minutes before their booking, get a drink and maybe play a game of pool or challenge their grey matter on the quiz machines.

Then head for the lanes to play 2 games of Ten Pin Bowling during which time you’ll hear groans, cheers and other sounds to express disaster and delight.

By this time you’ll be ready for a big meal and that’s what you’ll get when you pass a plate to our Christmas serving super staff who’ll add your choices.

Then there’s gravy, in fact even if you decide to add so much gravy that your friends call you Mr Gravyman for a year, we’re ready for you with copious quantities.

We recommend no more than four pints of gravy each as you really won’t get the crisp taste and delicious notes of apple and vanilla of the Chardonnay of which we’ll give you a bottle for each group of six. Or if you prefer something something with more body and Father Christmas is unavailable you can choose a bottle of red.


Play2Day Lazer-Tag

Ten Pin Bowling is great for Christmas Parties because everyone can play straight away without any instruction and share a most sociable freetime experience.  But if you’re the sort that can eat three shredded wheat or feel the urgent need to blast your boss you really need to calm down, see a doctor or ask the staff about swapping your Ten Pin Bowling games for Lazer-Tag games to utilize your energy.


We’re proud of our Christmas Parties, there’s more to do here than in a pub but if you don’t want to play the games we promise not to call you boring and assume that you’ve been the hardest working member of staff in your company and really do deserve a four hour sit down.

How to book

Just call us on 01945 450629 and look forward to your best Christmas Party yet!

And just like every other business this side of the sun we’ve also a Facebook page where you can take part and add snaps of yourself with Santa’s Hat or Rudolf’s Ears.



